Welcome To Pickin'Ease Otherwise Known As Adventures Of The Newbie Picker

Hi, my name is Jennifer Boyte and I am the owner of It's New To You. I buy collectibles, odds and ends, storage units, and really anything that interests me - then try to sell it for a profit. I am fairly new at this and still learning the ins and outs of the business, but I would love to take you along on the adventure.

I will share my ups (hope I have a lot of those) and my downs (so sad...) - but, I sure hope there is a chuckle or two along the way as well. If you are the type of person who slams on the brakes at the sight of a yardsale (they shouldn't have been on my tail end and YES I know I am #1 though typically I don't use that finger) then this is something you will enjoy. If you like dragging yourself out of bed at 5:00AM to have a garage sale and get a major thrill when you make $5 for that item you paid a quarter for - then you are in for some fun.

Welcome to SE Georgia and the people I meet along the way - cheer me on when I make a great find and commiserate with me when I make a baaaad purchase. By the way - I would love to hear from you and let me know how you are doing with YOUR picking. Maybe we can share some tips and ideas.

As the Fat Man use to say - Awaaaaay We Go :)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Where Have I Been????

Alas, I have been remiss in upkeeping this wonderful blog - been feeling a little under the weather.  But, I have picked up a few nice things and would like to share them.  But, first - let me tell you a little about my weekend.

I did have a two day weekend this past week (YAY) and got to head off to a storage unit auction.  First of all, let me give you a little heads up - Google Maps SUCK.  Why was I using Google Maps instead of, say, a nice GPS system you may be asking...even if you aren't I'm going to tell you. :)  I purchased a Tom Tom because I know that I have a tendency to get lost.  Yes, I can read a map, yes I am good with directions, but still...I get lost.  Rambling today - sorry, back to the Tom Tom.  I just got my new Tom Tom and it was very very nice, worked well and was easy to use.  Except for the suction cup that holds it to my dash - sucker (ha ha) came loose and it fell and crashed into my console.  Cracked the screen and no more Tom Tom.  Since I bought it through an online auction site Tom Tom would not replace the sucker.  So, I was stuck with using Google Maps to find the storage unit auction I was going to attend.  They had me on the wrong side of the town - on the wrong street - and actually heading in the opposite direction.  After futilely looking for the place I called the storage site and got directions.  These directions were so good that I only had to stop and ask for additional directions three more times before I found the place.  I got there finally, late but there.

Then, so my luck would continue to be completely bad - they decided that they were going to sell off each individual item in the units.  Not a box, not a container - they opened each box and sold the items out of the box.  No opportunity to find a nice surprise, no opportunity to luck out with a great item, and no excitement at all.  If I wanted to attend a traditional auction I would have gone to an auction house which has nice comfortable seats and where I don't have 50 tall people standing in front of me blocking my view.  Needless to say, I did not stay.  But, so the day would not be a complete loss I decided to hit a few yard sales and thrift stores on my way home.  It was an interesting day to say the least :)

Here are a few items that may interest you - if you see something you like then feel free to click the webstore link on the right - all the items should be listed there.  If not, feel free to email me at NewNewNew2U@gmail.com and I will be happy to quote a price (and even haggle a little bit).

Coca Cola Belt Buckle - leather and brass by El Cid

Set of 10 crackle gold/brown glasses featuring Great Works Of Art

Brand new hookah with gold inlay and mahogany box (please request more pictures if you would like) - This hookah has a peacock design with a blue bowl - lots of extras included and the box it absolutely gorgeous

Licensed I Love Lucy purse with a metal handle (along with a shoulder strap) - I will even include a VitaGirl license plate (remember the Vitameatavegamin episode?)

I will get more items on here as soon as possible - please check out my store to see other items I have for sale.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Auction Weekend Coming Up!!

I am so excited...going to have a storage auction to go to this coming weekend.  YES, I actually have a Saturday off (Sunday too...two days in a row - life is good!!!)  The logistics have been a little rough.  The last time I went to a storage auction I had to limit myself to what I could get because I don't have a truck or additional help.

THIS time, I corralled my Mom and Aunt to help me figure out a solution.  So, my Aunt is driving down from NC with a cousin.  This cousin can drive a rental truck for me and help me with loading - so I can get lots with FURNITURE. Tee hee hee.  Since he is also doing some yard work for my Mom, I am getting all of this for only $50.  Or I could be paying him $50 just to stand around for a few hours. LOL

I will let you know what I find. :)

Tomorrow I am going to show you a few small items I found...I think they are pretty cool.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

The More I Get The More I Find The Less I Know

I got a few items today...civil war pictures, a Victorian card, various bits of jewelry.  And, I have figured out that I know virtually nothing about any of these. LOL  Let me show you a couple of my finds:

They look to be pretty nice to me...but I just don't have a reference as to where to start researching.  I found a picture card by the same photographer but it was for a Civil War soldier and it was listed as military memorabilia (not quite the same as these pictures).  The card is absolutely beautiful (from 1909 - in German, mailed from Germany to the United States).  The ring has me completely perplexed.  There is a name in the lid - but I can't find a reference anywhere - don't even know if they are real pearls. LOL  So much to learn...better get to it!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Barbie Barbie Barbie

A few weeks ago (as you have probably noticed...I keep bring up past finds.  Unfortunately, I have been working 6 days a week for a while with only Sundays off.  This means, no yard sales, no thrift stores, no storage auctions, and no fun...feel for me.  lol) - anyway, a few weeks ago I went to a nearby town to try and find some supplies for a black powder pistol that my son bought.  Of course I got lost - and stopped at a little thrift store to ask for directions.

The woman was kind enough to point me in the right direction (alas, the gun shop was no longer there) and I decided to have a quick rummage while I was there.  I found this Barbie -

Smile for the camera...

Tilt your head to the left.....

Look coy....

LOL  The perfect model.

This is a DDS Talking Barbie from 1976 (still works) and I found it in a basket for a quarter.  I am going to list it on Ebay for $10 (the only other one listed is asking $30) and see what kind of response I get.

As a side note - she had a cookie jar (Snoopy and Woodstock) that I really wanted - but since I wasn't out searching for items to sell I did not have a lot of cash on me.  She was unable to take my debit card so I had to kiss the cookie jar goodbye.  But, this did spur me to get my own Square - now I can take plastic!!

Follow Up - Barbie sold for $6...not a lot but a nice return on 25 cents :)

Just a Note On Ebay

Am I the only one who keeps refreshing Ebay to see if I have a bid?  Am I becoming obsessive compulsive? LOL

On The Auction Block

Good Morning.  A few weeks ago I made an amazing purchase at a church rummage sale.  (At least I think I did)  I got a whole box of SLR camera lenses and miscellaneous items for $3.  Let me show you some pics of the items.

Pretty nice huh?  I planned on selling them to a used camera buyer I found on the internet (I will let them remain nameless) but could only find a few of the lenses on there.  They offered a decent amount (which would have made me a sweet profit) for a few of them - but, I want to sell them all.  I don't know enough about them to try and sell them individually.  So, I called the company and left a message.  Waited.  Called again and left a message.  Waited (multiply this by a few more times).  I give up.  If they don't want my amazing lenses then the heck with them. :)

Well, I have them for sale on Ebay currently and I hope they sell.  I believe I am truly underpricing myself by starting the auction at only $20 but hopefully it will get some response.  If you would like to check out the auction just head over to Ebay and tell me what you think.

I have sold the lenses. :)