Welcome To Pickin'Ease Otherwise Known As Adventures Of The Newbie Picker

Hi, my name is Jennifer Boyte and I am the owner of It's New To You. I buy collectibles, odds and ends, storage units, and really anything that interests me - then try to sell it for a profit. I am fairly new at this and still learning the ins and outs of the business, but I would love to take you along on the adventure.

I will share my ups (hope I have a lot of those) and my downs (so sad...) - but, I sure hope there is a chuckle or two along the way as well. If you are the type of person who slams on the brakes at the sight of a yardsale (they shouldn't have been on my tail end and YES I know I am #1 though typically I don't use that finger) then this is something you will enjoy. If you like dragging yourself out of bed at 5:00AM to have a garage sale and get a major thrill when you make $5 for that item you paid a quarter for - then you are in for some fun.

Welcome to SE Georgia and the people I meet along the way - cheer me on when I make a great find and commiserate with me when I make a baaaad purchase. By the way - I would love to hear from you and let me know how you are doing with YOUR picking. Maybe we can share some tips and ideas.

As the Fat Man use to say - Awaaaaay We Go :)

Friday, October 19, 2012

Barbie Barbie Barbie

A few weeks ago (as you have probably noticed...I keep bring up past finds.  Unfortunately, I have been working 6 days a week for a while with only Sundays off.  This means, no yard sales, no thrift stores, no storage auctions, and no fun...feel for me.  lol) - anyway, a few weeks ago I went to a nearby town to try and find some supplies for a black powder pistol that my son bought.  Of course I got lost - and stopped at a little thrift store to ask for directions.

The woman was kind enough to point me in the right direction (alas, the gun shop was no longer there) and I decided to have a quick rummage while I was there.  I found this Barbie -

Smile for the camera...

Tilt your head to the left.....

Look coy....

LOL  The perfect model.

This is a DDS Talking Barbie from 1976 (still works) and I found it in a basket for a quarter.  I am going to list it on Ebay for $10 (the only other one listed is asking $30) and see what kind of response I get.

As a side note - she had a cookie jar (Snoopy and Woodstock) that I really wanted - but since I wasn't out searching for items to sell I did not have a lot of cash on me.  She was unable to take my debit card so I had to kiss the cookie jar goodbye.  But, this did spur me to get my own Square - now I can take plastic!!

Follow Up - Barbie sold for $6...not a lot but a nice return on 25 cents :)

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